Khyber Eye Foundation

Sight is the Basic Human Right

About Us

Cataracts, a common yet debilitating eye condition, cast a cloudy veil over millions worldwide, affecting their vision and quality of life. Discovered centuries ago, the necessity for prompt treatment is paramount in preserving clear sight and preventing severe vision loss.

In the heart of Peshawar, KPK, stands the Khyber Eye Foundation, an unwavering advocate for the restoration of clear vision. Nestled in Gulbahar No.4, this non-profit eye hospital operates on the belief that no one should be deprived of the gift of sight due to financial constraints. The Foundation, driven by a humanitarian ethos, conducts free cataract surgeries, serving the underprivileged, solely relying on the benevolence of donors.

The roots of cataract discovery stretch across ancient times. However, advancements in treatments have evolved over the centuries. Today, cataracts can be effectively treated, but the urgency for intervention remains vital. Cataracts significantly impair vision, and if left unaddressed, can lead to severe visual impairment or complete blindness.

The Khyber Eye Foundation’s charitable work heavily hinges on the generosity of donors. These benefactors play an instrumental role in sustaining the Foundation’s noble initiative of providing free cataract surgeries. Their contributions are not merely monetary; they represent hope, transformation, and the restoration of independence and joy for those affected by cataracts.

Contributions to the Khyber Eye Foundation are open to all. Individuals, organizations, and philanthropic entities have the power to create a substantial impact through their support. By uniting in this cause, donors enable the Foundation to illuminate the lives of the underprivileged, instilling renewed hope and clarity.

The impact of the Khyber Eye Foundation extends beyond surgical procedures. It resonates within the community, revitalizing hope and providing the gift of clear sight. Stories of transformation manifest in the lives of those who have benefitted from free cataract surgeries.